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Analyse your dreams and discover your subconscious, make sound drawings and take part in a camouflage workshop. From potato satellites to Totem poles, the Art Trail at the House of Fairy Tales has something for everyone, young and old.
Special Workshop
Gavin Turk, back for the 7th Port Eliot Festival and fresh from successful exhibitions in CAS Malaga and lead artist for the Fleet Project, the international contemporary artist and House of Fairy Tales co-founder will be bringing a surprise project to the Art Trail this year. In previous years he delighted children with Spaghetti Poetry (intellectual pasta fight) and a Dada Maze and string performance. The House of Fairy Tales director, writer and illustrator Deborah Curtis, will be leading the art trail with a special package of tasks and challenges.
Effigies and Totem Poles
Ana Boyle and Jake Clarke, theatrical costumier and filmmakers Ana and Jake will be re-creating last years popular North American village of Totem poles, with the audience.
Mexican Shamen and the Faery Houses
Artist Raul Pina will combining performance art with miniature art as Mexican and Celtic Folk art meet.
Nonose Potato Talismen
Teacher and artist Tony Brennon assisted by his son Milo will be creating an open-air sculpture park with his ever-popular potato satellites.
Zeltbahn Camouflage Workshops
Stephen Whitehead, assisted by artist Dmitri Galatzine, with Nancy, Taliesin and Samuel Hunter will be bringing the art of several Birmingham schools to the gardens of Port Eliot with his exceptionally inspiring camouflage experiment. Artist and performer Mark Hammond, aka DrAuDio will be inventing sound drawings with his students.
Dreams and Nightmares Cave
Invent and learn about your dreams with artist and subconsciousness expert Kate Walters. Assisted by Andrew McDouall, musician and poet William Fontaine will be bringing a maze project to the landscape of the Rhododendron Gardens, Sophie Windsor Clive will be bringing her creative directors magic to the gardens.