The Idler Academy brings you old school savvy for the new world. Its talks and workshops focus on the classical liberal arts and practical skills. Here, the Idler’s literary events programmer, Victoria Hull, gives us the low down:
“The Idler is a company devoted to helping people to lead more fulfilled lives. We publish a quarterly magazine and a series of guide books, produce quirky online courses, run live events and sell books and gifts. THE IDLER ACADEMY of philosophy, husbandry and merriment is the Idler magazine’s events arm. Founded by Idler editor Tom Hodgkinson and myself it is a school based in London which offers online and real-world courses in the classical liberal arts and practical skills.
The Idler Academy tent at Port Eliot brings you old school savvy for the new world. Instead of simply asking writers to talk about their books The Idler Academy asks them to teach something at the same time.”