An estimated 350,000 tonnes of useable clothing goes to landfill each year in the UK, a shocking waste of human and manufacturing energy. The clothing industry has a long history of environmental damage. There is an appalling track record in global exploitation of workers, which clothing retailers largely ignore. 12hr days, exploitation of workers’ rights through lack of unionisation, regular industrial tragedies; factory fires and building collapses, are contributing to a spiralling death rate.
Can swap shops provide a way to conserve, think, or even protest? Come and find out! You are invited to join in with an item of clothing you’re ready to let go of. If you don’t own one, well done for only acquiring what you need! You can still join the workshop. Through talking, drawing, writing, wearing, and swapping you can share your thoughts and feelings on everything from the politics of global capitalism, to how that bit of fabric makes you feel and why, to where do all the odd socks go? The collective mind of Port Eliot including your written, made, drawn and spoken contributions will be compiled into a zine in the days after the festival.
Drop-in, no ticket needed
All children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult