Harry Mount, a writer and journalist, is the author of the top ten bestseller about Latin – Amo, Amas, Amat and All That. He also edited The Wit and Wisdom of Boris Johnson. A former leader-writer and New York correspondent for the Daily Telegraph, Harry now writes for many newspapers and magazines, including the Spectator, the Daily Mail, Country Life and the New York Times. He studied Classics and Ancient History at Magdalen College, Oxford, and architectural history at the Courtauld Institute.
Harry will be discussing his new book: Harry Mount's Odyssey: Ancient Greece in the Footsteps of Odysseus
Several millennia after the Homeric hero undertook his journey, Harry Mount – whose Amo, Amas Amat…and All That convinced readers to ‘put a little Latin in your life’ – followed Odysseus’s epic trail. His Odyssey recounts his voyage from Troy to the Hellespont, and shows why Ancient Greece was truly the greatest civilisation.
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