Led by Temesgen Zeleke, a former student of Ethioazz legend Mulatu Astatke, Krar Collective perform a rootsy yet contemporary take on traditional music from Ethiopia based on other-worldly modes and driven by hypnotic rhythms. The traditional acoustic krar lyre is associated with the azmari minstrel tradition; electrified, in the hands of Zeleke it becomes a gritty, ancient rock guitar. Accompanied by traditional kebero drums and fronted by stunning vocals, Krar Collective create a surprisingly full sound, leading one critic to name them ‘The Ethiopian White Stripes’. With songs that journey from rippling acoustic numbers to body-popping dance tunes, and drawing on a myriad of cultures from the many ethnic groups in their country, this music that is at once African and yet unique to Ethiopia will move your soul and rock your feet. Two dancers present the best in Ethiopian dance.
www.krarcollective.com© Copyright Port Eliot Festival 2015
| Website by Dewsign