Grayson Perry set to premiere his latest masterpiece at Port Eliot
One of the most memorable Turner Prize winners ever, Grayson Perry aroused “an orgasm of interest” in 2003 when he collected the prize from Sir Peter Blake dressed up as his transvestite alter ego, Claire. His next show isn’t until October 2011, but he’ll be treating Port Eliot festival-goers to an “eye-popping” preview of his new “teddy bear’s Pope-mobile” this July.
In his own words…
It’s a motorcycle that I’ve had built as an artwork. I hope to ride it down to Port Eliot this summer.
In my work my teddy bear Alan Measles is a kind of god, figurehead, benign dictator. I thought it was about time that he went out into the world and people were given the benefit of his appearance.
I’ve designed this motorcycle especially for him. It has a shrine on the back and I shall be dressing as his official bodyguard, carrying him throughout the land. He’ll be sitting on his throne on the back. We’re also going to Germany in September on a special pilgrimage.
I’ve designed every part of the bike with a custom motorcycle firm – it’s pretty eye-popping. It should be finished by the time I come to Port Eliot – Port Eliot will probably be its first public outing.
My bike outfit is gender-neutral but much too outré for your average macho biker! I’ll be bringing a dress or two down to Port Eliot as well I’m sure. I’ve heard it’s very fashionable.
I’ve not been to many festivals before. I’m a bit festival-allergic really, but Port Eliot sounded more my cup of tea.
Martin Parr said, “Come down, it’s really good fun”. It sounds a bit different, I thought it’ll be a good outing for the bike and good to have a laugh with Martin.
I’m a transvestite. I’ve always dressed up. When I was younger I used to have a sexual fantasy about what was the most humiliating thing that could happen to me as an artist – being made to dress up as a little girl and stand up and collect the Turner Prize. Winning the prize came true, so I thought I better see it through…
Read Grayson Perry’s full profile here