Drama Express are a Cornish based theatre group for young people with disabilities.

The range of disabilities includes sensory impairments, autism, limited mobility and epilepsy. These barriers are overcome to deliver professional and critically acclaimed performances. These young people are supported by a team of volunteers who demonstrate both empathy and patience to develop the skills and confidence of each young person.

Members of Drama Express are fully involved in scriptwriting, stage and set construction, costume design and promoting performances. Everyone has a part to play in the success of Drama Express.

With a membership of over forty young people Drama Express is now expanding its membership throughout the West Country to Devon and Somerset.

They will be performing 2 short plays about Cornish legends; St Piran and explorer Richard Lander. Both of these stories highlight the determination of both characters, a trait that is replicated through the performances of the young people in Drama Express. Drama Express are currently touring with these shows and will be performing at The Minack Theatre in August.