Tom Wrigglesworth is an established stand-up comedian with a disarmingly charming delivery and unforgettable appearance. He first broke onto the scene in 2003, winning the Channel 4 competition, ‘So You Think You’re Funny’ and debuted at the Edinburgh festival in 2006 (performing in a double headline show with Tom Allen). Tom’s solo show ‘Tom Wrigglesworth’s Open Return Letter to Richard Branson’ cemented his reputation, earning Tom a nomination for the prestigious Edinburgh Comedy Award in 2009.
Indulging his love for science, Tom has presented the recent BBC 4 series Electric Dreams, and BBC 2`s Engineering Giants, and has been a resident expert on three series of the science entertainment show You Have Been Warned, for Discovery Networks.
As a stand-up, Tom has performed on Edinburgh Comedy Fest Live, Russell Howard`s Good News as well as The World Stands Up, Edinburgh and Beyond and three series of The Comedy Store - all for Comedy Central.