Andrew Simms is the author of several books, including his latest Cancel the Apocalypse: the New Path to Prosperity, and also Ecological Debt, The New Economics and the bestselling Tescopoly. He is co-founder of the recently created New Weather Institute, the UK’s first think tank cooperative, is on the board of the Transition Town Network, a Fellow of nef (the new economics foundation) and was nef's policy director for over a decade, founding its work on climate change, energy and interdependence. He trained at the London School of Economics and was described by New Scientist magazine as, 'a master at joined-up progressive thinking,’ and advises on economic development alternatives for the campaign group Global Witness. The Independent newspaper listed him as one of the UK’s top 100 environmentalists and London’s Evening Standard included him in their Power 1000 as one of the capital’s most influential people. Ralph Steadman and writer Ceri Levy will be talking about their second...
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