There’s lots happening at Port Eliot House & Gardens over the coming months, so whether you’re local or just fancy a Cornish jaunt, be sure to pay us a visit.

Port Eliot House & Gardens is now in Open Season, so if you’d like to come down for a mosey around, now’s the time. Every year, the house opens its doors to the public for 100 days, so you can explore the house and enjoy the Grade 1 listed gardens which are currently in full bloom with camellias and rhododendrons, and beautiful bluebells starting to carpet their way through the woodlands. It’s open from now until Thursday 29th June 2017.

And on the Saturday 6th May is the event for dog lovers: the annual Port Eliot Dog Festival And Whippet Tea Party. Last year, over nine hundred people and hundreds of dogs came along and we aim to welcome even more in 2017. For dogs, there will be some wonderful classes to enter, including old favourite ‘Dog Who Most Looks Like Their Owner’. Plus, a highlight of the annual event is Roo and Lark’s Whippet Tea Party, where an invitation for lunch and canapés is extended to all whippet friends. For humans there will be an array of fabulous artisan food traders - festival favourites, The Shellfish Pig and Harding & Scoots Coffee to name a few - plus cream teas, Gin Bar and other refreshments. The Dog Festival is once again being held in support of the Children’s Hospice South West. Entry to the show is £4.00 per adult, Children under 11 free, and £1.00 per class entry in the dog show, and all proceeds go to the CHSW.

On Friday 19th & Saturday 20th May, the house will be candlelit and filled with music for Port Eliot at Night. Port Eliot House has been lived in for over 1000 years and is believed to be the oldest continually inhabited dwelling in the UK. On May 19th and 20th, it can be visited by candlelight as part of the national initiative ‘Museums at Night’. Explore the Eliot family’s treasures, including an exquisite furniture collection and masterpieces by Reynolds, Van Dyck and Lenkiewicz. Step back in time and admire the stunning John Soane Drawing Room, marvel at the Round Room, spiral down the staircase to the Basement and peek in to the butler’s pantry, the china closet and the amazing cellar. Acapella group Con Brio, festival favourites Canoryon Lowen choir plus the fantastic pianist, Jacob Kodicek, will be filling the house with music. Port Eliot’s knowledgeable stewards will be available to regale fascinating tales of the house if requested, or perhaps you would rather soak up the magical atmosphere with some nibbles and a glass of wine at Port Eliot’s bar. Tickets are £10 adults, £5 children, £8 concessions and can be bought here.

On Sunday 11th June we have the annual Parkinsons UK Charity Walk, which will help raise money for their incredible charity. Walkers will follow either a 2-mile or 5-mile route around the stunning grounds. All funds raised from the walk will go towards research to help us find a cure and improve life for everyone affected by Parkinson’s.

For more details about all house events, please visit