Simon Costin’s Museum of British Folklore

This incredible caravan-based museum is now housed in the Port Eliot Gatehouse and features an impressive collection of artefacts, ephemera, costumes and images that document not only the history, but the living tradition of Britain’s folklore.

The museum was founded by the internationally respected art director and set designer Simon Costin, who has collaborated extensively with Alexander McQueen and has an impressive client list including Stella McCartney, Luella Bartley and Chanel. He currently works alongside Gareth Pugh as his art director and has designed Pugh’s last eight shows.

“In Britain in the 21st century, there exists a rich, living tradition of annual folk festivals and traditional rituals, many of which have existed for hundreds of years while others are relatively new,” he explains. “It is therefore a surprising fact that there exists no properly funded centre in Britain to research and celebrate our native traditions and vernacular arts. It is my aim, that over the next few years, such an institution will exist, which will address this situation.”